Pastor Eduardo grew up in our children’s ministry here at Heritage and got saved at a young age. During his teenage years, he began falling away from the Lord. After spending many years in self-serving pride, the Lord began to convict him about his life and began to work in his heart to bring him back to Heritage.
In 2020, he began attending Heritage again and the Lord began to lay a burden in him for ministry. He came on staff as the church’s Outreach Director in 2020 and in 2021 started leading our Youth Ministry.
Finally, during the summer of 2023, God began to reveal to him and to our church that he was to be our new Pastor! We are excited about how God has worked in his life and how he will continue using him in leading our church.
In 2020, he began attending Heritage again and the Lord began to lay a burden in him for ministry. He came on staff as the church’s Outreach Director in 2020 and in 2021 started leading our Youth Ministry.
Finally, during the summer of 2023, God began to reveal to him and to our church that he was to be our new Pastor! We are excited about how God has worked in his life and how he will continue using him in leading our church.

(In Prayer)
Assistant Pastor
Please join us in prayer as we seek the Lord's leading in finding an Assistant Pastor.

Mark Bouchard
Deacon/I.T. Director
Bro. Mark has a genuine desire to serve the Lord. He and his wife, Alisha, can be found serving in a variety of ways; whether making visits, assisting with children's programs, or doing dishes after a meal, the Bouchard's are always about the work of the Lord.

Bro. Dale has been with Heritage almost since its founding in 2002. He has a talent for music and serves by playing the church piano and organ. Sometimes he sings special music during our services. Regardless of how he serves, it is evident that he serves to honor the Lord.